News & Events
- I CLARIAH-CM Training Series on Digital Tools and Methodologies: Introduction to eScriptorium (28/02/2025, Madrid)
- I UC3M Digital Humanities Series. Session 4: "Data Visualization for Everyone: Analytical Tools in Digital Humanities" (06/03/2025, Getafe)
- I CLARIAH-CM Training Series on Digital Tools and Methodologies: Introduction to Transkribus (28/03/2025, Madrid)
- I CLARIAH-CM Training Series on Digital Tools and Methodologies: See and Remember: AI in Entity Recognition and Iconographic Themes (25/04/2025, Madrid)
- I UC3M Digital Humanities Series. Session 5: "Open, Digital, and Citizen Science: Democratizing Archaeology" (02/04/2025, Getafe)
- Computational Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Day (14/02/2025, SCAYLE, León)
- I UC3M Digital Humanities Series: "Facing (Together) New Challenges and Opportunities" (30/01/2025, UC3M, Getafe)
- I CLARIAH-AND DAY (24/01/2025, Jaén)
- Seminar and Inauguration of the Digital Humanities Space at the Elder Museum (17/01/2025, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
PAST EVENTS (2018-2024)
- First CLARIAH-ES Meeting (25-26/01/2024, Donostia)
- Confrerence: "Challenges and Opportunities of Text and Data Mining in Ibero-America" (23/04/2024)
- I CLARIAH-GAL Conference (2/05/2024, Santiago de Compostela)
- Dialnet Global Conference (29-31/05/2024, Logroño)
- I CLARIAH-CM Workshop (30-31/05/2024), Madrid)
- LINHD Spring Seminars (April/Junio 2024, CLARIAH-UNED)
- CLARIAH-UA DAY (11/06/2024, Alicante)
- CLARIAH-CAT DAY (18/06/2024, Barcelona)
- DARIAH Annual Event (18-21/06/2024, Lisbon)
- Open Research Data in the Humanities Seminar (20/06/2024, Barcelona)
- UNED Summer Course (26-28/06/2024, Madrid)
- Summer Course: Digital Humanities: Resources, Tools, and Services (15-18/07/2024, Santiago de Compostela)
- Second CLARIAH-ES Meeting (18-19/07/2024, Santiago de Compostela)
- Summer Course: The Impact of Language Models on Digital Humanities (26-27/08/2024, Baeza, Jaén)
- "Round Table "CLARIAH-ES: Promoting Digital Humanities in Spain" (07/10/2024, DiverTLes, online)
- I UC3M Digital Humanities Series: Facing (Together) New Challenges and Opportunities (09/10/2024, Madrid)
- CLARIN Annual Conference (15-17/10/2024, Barcelona)
- Digital Humanities and Language Technology Day and Presentation of the CLARIAH-UNED Node (21/11/2024, Madrid)
- III CLARIAH-EUS Workshop: "A Vibrant Community, a Practical Infrastructure" (21/11/2024, Bilbao)
- CLARIAH-ES Day 2024: Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence Day (22/11/2024, Madrid)
- Workshop in Applied Digital Humanities (16-23/01/2023, CSIC-CCHS, Madrid)
- CLARIAH-CSIC Workshop (11/05/2023, Madrid)
- DARIAH Annual Meeting (6-9/06/2023, Budapest)
- CLARIN Centre Meeting 2023 (13-14/06/2023, Utrecht)
- CLARIAH-ES Kick-Off (15-16/06/2023, Alicante)
- EOSC Tripartite Event (19/09/2023, Madrid)
- CLARIAH-ES Seminar at IATEXT (ULPGC) (11/10/2023, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
- CLARIN Annual Meeting (16-18/10/2023, Leuven)
- Hispanic Digital Humanities (HDH) (18-20/10/2023, Logroño)
- Libraries, Data, Artificial Intelligence (7-8/11/2023, BNE, Madrid)
- DARIAH DAY (7/11/2023, Madrid)
- DARIAH-EU: NCC & GA ( 22-23/11/2023, Ljubljana)
- II CLARIAH-EUS Workshop (23/11/2023, Donostia-San Sebastian)
- I CLARIAH-AND Conference: Presentation of CLARIAH-ES (14/12/2023, UJA, Jaén)
- ELE Workshop Report: Achieving Digital Language Equality 2030 — Implications for Libraries, Collections, and Library Users (16/12/2021)
- "Tour de CLARIN": Interview with Mikel Iruskieta (28/11/2019)
- Making Pulgarcito machine readable: How to start with basic NLP analysis from a digital image (04/02/2019)
- Spanish CLARIN K-Centre Outreach Campaign (05/04/2018)
- 25/09/2023 HiTZ (UPV/EHU) Press Release [EU] [ES]
- 20/09/2023 Ministry of Science and Innovation Press Release on DARIAH
- 08/09/2023 Universidad de Alicante (UA) Press Release
- 07/09/2023 Univesidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) Press Release
- 04/09/2023 Ministry of Science and Innovation Press Release on CLARIN
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